Thursday 29 August 2013

Exhibition: Traversing Frontiers .. four days til set up

Its the final count down with only four days to go til we set up our exhibition Traversing Frontiers at the Mary E Black gallery.

And my work is starting to come together. Exciting! Below are some images of some of the work that will be on show in the exhibition.

Ceramic spoons, with decals and  wooden handles

Detail: decal drawing of the interior of Green Gables

I also fired the kiln by myself for the first time on Wednesday eve. I am generally used to programmable electric kilns, so it was a new experience for me to sit with the kiln and manually increase the temperature. 

I used two different majolica glazes. Thankfully I got some great results.

Quaker Kitchen House - Majolica glaze

I have also found some time to play in the studio and work through some other ideas that are not specifically related to the exhibition. Below are some images of my favourite buildings in downtown Halifax on Barrington Street.

This is my most favourite building

It has little round windows in the turret

The Kyber Building

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