Monday 1 July 2013

Google Reader Changes

You’ve probably seen loads of other bloggers saying this too, but again, I’m just reminding you that Google Reader is shutting down on July 1st (this coming Monday).
If you’re subscribed via google reader and want to keep reading, you can easily resubscribe via:
  • Follow my blog with Bloglovin
  • E-mail – You’ll get the post e-mailed to you whenever I publish something new. You can do this by filling in your e-mail address in the box on the left hand column of my blog, just under where it says ‘Subscribe’
You can also follow me on twitter and Pinterest, and if you ‘like’  Facebook page, you’ll get notified in your News Feed when I have a new post up.
Thank you for following my creative journeys - its great to have your company 

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