Thursday 14 March 2013

As seen in House & Garden

Late last year I was invited to include my wares in a photo shoot for House & Garden. So I obligingly sent them some of my current works including tea towels, ceramics and constructed textile pieces. 

I have been hanging around news agents and surreptitiously flicking through magazines waiting in anticipation for this issue to appear on the shelves.

My carved ceramic cup is on the right hand side behind the lemon juicer.

To my delight they included my work on two pages: my ceramics (above) and almost an entire page to my constructed textiles (below).  Click on the images for a larger version of the image.

The results were fantastic and I am very flattered to have my work photographed alongside other artists who I greatly admire.

A big thank you to everyone who was involved in the photoshoot.


  1. Great blog, thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks Helmi - I love the look of your shadow a day blog too
