Friday 7 December 2012

Screenprinting fun at Megalo

Ive just finished teaching a 6 week block of screen printing on fabric at Megalo. I always enjoy the experience and never ceased to be amazed by the creativity and diversity of images by my students.

Here are some images of them in action and some of the fantastic prints they created.

Gen experimenting with mixing two colours 

Gen's Fantastic Mr Fox image combining paper cut stencil and a photo emulsed screen.

Lisa printing her first photo emulsed screen.

Liz printing her first screen.

Liz's amazing repeat print

Neil creating a back ground colour for his Matisse style prints

Sara experimenting with a three colour watermelon print combining paper cut stencils and photoemulsed stencil.

Sara's watermelon print. Love the colours!

An action shot of Sharon drying her bearded men print combining blocks of colour and linear hand drawings. 

Jacqui's happy accident where she printed the screen in one colour (blue/green) then blocked out areas and reprinted over the top in pink. 

Jacqui's repeat cloud print on a tshirt

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