Thursday 31 May 2012

Knitted ceramic cups

In my time to get organised post recently I teased you with the image below.... alluding to what I had planned to do with my knitted twine objects

Knitted twine objects

Well, Ive been using the knitted objects as press moulds to make vessels in ceramics.

Ceramic vessels using different knitted moulds and clay bodies (before firing)
And yesterday some of my glazed experiments were unpacked from the kiln.

Left cup glazed with Copper Red glaze, right up unglazed porcelain
 It was most exciting to see the end results.

Left cup glazed inside with Chun, right cup with Celadon glaze.
I am still on the quest for the perfect coffee cup... these ones, were the right size when I started, shrunk considerably after firing - looks like Ill have to watch some more TV to justify knitting some bigger moulds :)

PS - In that same post I promised not to start any more new projects until I had finished the ones I had started.... well Ive managed to finish the pink/brown jumper (although Im still not 100% convinced that its what I want, but Im reluctant to knit it for a 5th time!)

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