Thursday 30 November 2017

Isness : Winter is Coming

Winter is Coming - AIR group exhibition

At the end of my residency at SIM all the participating artists showcase their work in a group exhibition.  

Within the Isness is where your experience lies.  

During the residency I was exploring digital media and created the above animation. Isness is inspired by my time in Iceland: the Northern Lights and the vastness of the winter skies. Music is created by John Kennedy in response to the imagery.

Together there were 13 artists who participated in the group show. We are an international bunch coming from all corners of the globe, working in a variety of different media. Participating artists included: 

Adam Sébire :
Anna Emilia Laitinen :
Catherine Canac-Marquis :
Daniel S. Streck
Gabriel Gold :
Jonathan Lipkin :
Kate Ward :
Katrin Keller
Kim Mirus :
Lisa Rosenmeier :
Marcel Tarelkin :
Richard Spiller
Sigbjørn Bratlie :

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