Friday 19 May 2017

NEW!! 2 Day Weekend Tapestry Workshop

I wanted to share with you some of the exciting textile courses I am teaching at the Nova Scotia Centre for Craft and Design.

The 2 Day Weekend Tapestry Workshop is a fun course where we learn various weaving techniques suitable for creating both geometric and organic designs while exploring form, colour and texture. 
Tapestry weaving is portable, fun and expressive technique with endless possibilities to create fabric for rugs, cushion covers and decorative wall hangings. The technique is incredibly appealing as the yarns can be used to 'paint' a picture across the supporting warp.

By the end of the two days we aim to have finished a small wall hanging. 

Join me for more creative adventures. I'd love to see you there. 


COSTS : $60 + materials fee $30 payable to the instructor on first day of class

WHEN : 12:30 - 3:30pm Sunday 28 May & 4 June 

WHERE: Nova Scotia Centre for Craft and Design, Halifax  


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