Saturday, 15 June 2013

Nova Scotia Residency

O my goodness!
I have just found out that I have been selected to participate in an International Artist Residency in Nova Scotia in July and August this year! How very exciting :)
Whilst I am there I will learn scrimshaw (traditional carving of whale bones) that I plan to translate to carving ceramics, learn how to make large traditional pots whilst working in the shared studio space of the Nova Scotia Centre for Craft and Design which has weaving, wood working, pottery, glass and jewellery. This is a fantastic opportunity to learn new skills and meet new people. In September the work created will be exhibited in May Black Gallery, the Centre's exhibition space.
Further excitement as this is a rare opportunity to develop my skills and bring them back to Australia to enrich our own craft and design community through workshops, talks and an open studio upon my return. Whilst in Nova Scotia I will be promoting Australia's cultural facilities, particularly Canberra where I have strong connections with many arts organisations.  

I am very flattered and super keen to attend the residency, participate in the exhibition and take up this incredible opportunity to promote my work both verbally and physically on an international level. The catch is it's all happening super fast, from the 1 July to 31 August 2013... just over three weeks away!
This is where my first attempt at crowd-funding comes in! If you can help by pledging any amount no matter how small you will be helping me promote my work on a scale I could never manage without this opportunity. Ultimately I hope to see this experience build a more solid, fulfilling and sustainable future for me as an artist and for those who benefit from my work. Should you decide to choose a reward in return for your pledge I also hope this will benefit you as much as your generosity benefits me.
Because Pozible uses an "all-or-nothing" funding model I only get your money if I reach my target. So to ensure I get at least enough for my flights I've chosen a $3000 target. But please don't stop pledging once I reach $3000 because my total costs are much higher! Other costs include travel within Nova Scotia, food, accommodation, materials and studio rent which is estimated at over $5,000.
If you would like to support me please visit the crowdfunding site pozible.

Thank you ever so much for pledging, it is so appreciated!!!

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