Friday, 12 April 2013

Mystery bug: craft and food remedies

I generally move about at 100 miles an hour moving from project to project, place to place.

You can imagine how unusual it was for me to sit still when I recently came down with a mystery bug that totally knocked my socks off!

All I could do was sit around and read all day. I devoured Rose Water and Soda Bread by Marsha Mehran in one sitting. It is a delightful read and is the sequel to Pomegranate Soup. Both are tales about 3 Iranian sisters who move to Ireland,  revolving around a story about cooking and healing with food, it also includes the recipes that are integral in the story.

Colcannon = yum!
Inspired by unusual and untried recipes I tried out an irish dish called Colcannon - which is a dish of delicious flavours inspired by mashed potatoes. Its definitely going to be on the menu this winter as it is easy to make. Another iranian dish, Gormeh Sabzi, a lamb and spinach stew also captured my imagination and sounded like a good recipe for the slow cooker (and it was). And finally over Easter I substituted hot cross buns for soda bread with currants (or sultanas). I used a recipe similar to this but without the egg.

Gormeh Sabzi is a great way to enjoy winter greens
With so much sitting still I also turned my hand to a spot of knitting. I recently was given a stash of odd balls of wool, and so I was looking for a project to use them up. I had already made a rug, and wanted to make something for others so I embarked on a pair of wrist warmers. 

easy to knit wrist warmers
Being a small project they were easy to knit up and quick to make - and especially fun to make using bright and unusual colour combinations.

I am enjoying making them, and it is especially nice to share the love and give them to others as gifts.


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