Monday, 7 January 2013

Keeping Cool

Happy New Year!

Well, the new year has arrived along with summer. After a few 'English' summers in a row (where the temp stays around a perfect 25 degrees with lots of rain i.e my sort of weather) a fair dinkum Aussie summer is here.

Cicadas chrip, the days heat up to about 40 degrees whilst the nights stay warm and balmy. Weather like this makes me think the Spanish got it right with their siestas during the hottest part of the day, which then gives them the energy to stay up all night enjoying the cooler air.

My Paris Balcony print on linen
One way I have been keeping cool is wearing summer shift dresses - I have made some more in fabrics designed and printed by yours truly.

Ive worn the Paris Balcony dress a number of times already and love it. Its received plenty of compliments, including random people on the streets :)

My Red knit print on cotton
The Red Knit dress is almost finished. Im looking forward to wearing it to see what sort of reaction I get from people since the design and colour is quite bold.

Some other great tips to keep cool this summer include:

- soak your feet in a bucket of cold water (this is also a great opportunity to give yourself a pedicure)
- eat some of Jamie Oliver's 1 minute berry icecream - not only cooling, it tastes good and is good for you too!
- get up early and enjoy the cool summer mornings in the garden before the day gets too hot.
- cool down in the evenings by watering the garden and water yourself at the same time :)
- enjoy a movie and air conditioning at the cinema


  1. Where do I get one of those dresses. LOVE....

  2. Thanks Kate! Love the sound of that 1 minute ice-cream. 37 in Melbourne tomorrow and I think I'll head to the gallery. Happy new year : )

  3. Hi Anon - If you would like one of my dresses I could easily make one for you. Send me an email or leave a post of my facebook with your details

    Hi Demelza - the gallery sounds like a good way to beat the heat. Happy new year to you too :)
