Friday, 3 August 2012

Daily Rituals exhibition - more images

Me standing in front of the lounge room wall painting.
To the left are my ceramics, on the right are ceramics by Sarah Walker 
A close up of the Picture Pitchers, which sit upon the 'heater' in the lounge room wall painting
Look at all the red dots! - These were from 'the things I love' series
wheel formed Porcelain, celadon and blue underglaze

wheel formed Porcelain, celadon and blue underglaze
15cm high
Dressing Table
wheel formed Porcelain, celadon and blue underglaze
15cm high
Lounge - tv
wheel formed Porcelain, celadon and blue underglaze
15cm high

wheel formed Porcelain, celadon and blue underglaze
15cm high 

House Proud
wheel formed Porcelain, celadon and blue underglaze
15cm high

On my way to work
wheel formed Porcelain, celadon and blue underglaze
15cm high
A view of Sarahs work at the other end of the gallery 
Sarah Walker's  ceramics which can be seen on the right hand side of the gallery opposite my works
Sarah's ceramics

hopelessly devoted
porcelain, silk thread
a rolling stone jug
white raku, satin fawn reduction fire
dimensions variable

 Sarah Walker

Mental health starter kit
dimensions variable
ceramic, textile and silver

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