Thursday, 25 January 2018

Intro to Tapestry at NSCCD

The year is off to a good start as we gathered for my Introduction to Tapestry weaving 2 day workshop. 

Tapestry is a fun, portable and expressive weaving technique with endless possibilities. Its also a fabulous way to use up small lengths of yarn.

Once you master the basics, you can paint with wool - the only thing that limits you is your imagination!

During the course I demonstrate how to blend colour, learn different weaving techniques including the slit and dovetail methods for creating a design, build geometric shapes, weave circles, and make waves.

Once you can create these shapes you can weave any design you wish.

Weaving a circle is by far the trickiest thing to master, but even the youngest in our group picked it up pretty quickly. 

Some were even bitten by the bug and did extra work over night to complete their design, and ended up completing 2 small tapestries by the end of the class. 

Sample by Charlotte

Sample by Teresa incorporating her hand spun yarn
Sample by Charlotte

Thursday, 4 January 2018

Lucky the Cat

Lucky the Cat by Sam
12 x 16"

I have started teaching private art lessons to children where they learn the concepts of colour, texture, composition and technique. Art is a fabulous way to develop fine motor skills whilst developing problem solving skills.

We have been learning colour theory and applying this knowledge to our images, using complimentary opposites to create a colourful image with depth. Working from images of their favourite pets, I encourage the use of our imaginations whilst assisting them to really observe the world around them.

We also touch upon Art History and in this project employ dynamic brushstrokes and colour mixing on the canvas in a similar style to Vincent Van Gogh. 

The above image was painted by Sam, who is 10 years old. I think she has done a fabulous job painting her cat Lucky!