Thursday, 29 May 2014

Hollowware: Egg Cup Design

Earlier in the year I designed and created an egg cup in my Hollowware course.

When it was first made it had the most amazing and unusual purple patina. (Pictures of the egg cup in an earlier post can be seen here.)

Now, a couple of months later it has faded to an aged icy turquoise blue. The high polish on the 'tentacles' has remained a beautiful dark copper colour. The blue patina was achieved by placing the copper with a green patina in a lidded bowl full of wood chips soaked in ammonia. The fumes of the ammonia turn the green patina blue!

And below are some of the designs that were discarded in the designing process. 

I would still like to make them....... maybe one day! 

Here are some websites on how to make different coloured patina's using ingredients generally found at home:

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Shibori Heart Tshirt

I couldn't help but notice the current trend for all things shibori or dip dyed that are popping up everywhere. Inspired by a recent post by Poppytalk (its a great blog to follow too) I decided to give it a go.

Ive been wanting to revamp my studio wardrobe and decided to have some fun with this white tshirt.

After drawing the heart on the tshirt with a pencil, I stitched the outline with double thread.

Pulling the thread tight, I wrapped the remaining string around the material that was in the middle of the heart. This gives the lines in the centre of the heart.

Heart running stitched 
And this is how it turned out using a hot dye ...

To achieve the pattern on the sleeves, I rolled them up, and then wrapped stitched the rolls to secure them in place.

I got so carried away I forgot to take photos of the process, but if you would like to make a similar design here are some links that show some of the steps:

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Completed Basket Rings displayed within Ceramics

Basket Rings. Photography: Christina Arsenault
A couple of months ago I shared with you the beginnings of a new series of work: baskets that are woven in metal and attached to rings, and more information on the concept behind these pieces can be found here

Pioneer Landscapes. Photography: Christina Arsenault

Initially they were designed to be displayed within the context of larger blocks of clay. (Further information on this concept can be found here). 

Salt of the Earth 1. Photography: Christina Arsenault

Salt of the Earth 2. Photography: Christina Arsenault
Although I also like them displayed without the ceramic pieces and just in the engraved pebbles that support them, as seen in the top image.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Coptic Binding

Something I have wanted to try for quite some time was to make a book using the coptic binding stitch technique. I have wanted to learn this technique since I saw it at the Tasmanian Art Fair in 2010. The Third Door had some beautiful examples of coptic binding and I was entranced by how they lent themselves to draping and that the opened flat which is perfect for a sketch book.

Coptic binding

Coptic binding was used by early Christians in Egypt and examples can be dated back to the 2nd century AD. It is a method of joining sections of parchment, papyrus or paper using chain stitch linking across the spine.

I had some spare time recently so I decided to teach myself the technique. Using some fabric scraps, I created a cover that alluded to what the content of the book will be (this will come at a later stage).

Fabric embroidered cover
 For those who have been following my blog you will recognise Kochira the Cat Kelly (in the style of  Australian artist Sidney Nolan's Ned Kelly, the famous Australian bush ranger) who features in my animation, The Drive.

The decorative binding

I really enjoyed making the book, and plan to make a few more when I have some more spare time.

If you would also like to give this a try I found the following sites very helpful:
- Coptic binding directions illustrated by pictures 
- Coptic binding tutorial on Youtube. 11 mins long.